Motor Transportation Instruction Company
Marine Corps Detachment, Fort Leonard Wood, MO
U.S. Marines attending the Basic Motor Transportation Course, load and unload shipping containers during a practical application exercise at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. Marines attending this course are being trained to be safe and efficient Basic Motor Transportation Operators. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Tyler Pender)
U.S. Marines attending the Basic Motor Transportation Course, practice backing into tight spaces with the MK31 tractor trailor at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. Marines attending this course are being trained to be safe and efficient Basic Motor Transportation Operators. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Tyler Pender)
A 7-Ton Truck Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement (MTVR) is placed at Onslow Beach, Camp Lejeune, N.C. The MTVR was utilized during a live-fire training exercise for 2D Low Altitude Air Defense Battalion. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Austin A. Lewis/Released)
U.S. Marines attending the Basic Motor Transportation Course, start the process of flipping the flaw on a Logistics Vehicle System Replacement vehicle at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. Marines attending this course are being trained to be safe and efficient Basic Motor Transportation Operators. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Tyler Pender)
U.S. Marine Corps Staff Sgt. David Chaney and 2ndLt Matthew Healey with Marine Wing Support Squadron 172, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing, pause after helping establish a fuel site on Camp Obihiro, Hokkaido, Japan, Northern Viper is a regularly scheduled training exercise that is designed to enhance the interoperability of the U.S. and Japan Alliance by allowing Marine Air-Ground Task Forces from III Marine Expeditionary Force to maintain their lethality and proficiency in MAGTF Combined Arms Operations in cold weather environments.
U.S. Marines attending the Basic Motor Transportation Course, drive a Logistics Vehicle System Replacement vehicle during a practical application at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. Marines attending this course are being trained to be safe and efficient Basic Motor Transportation Operators. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Tyler Pender)
U.S. Marines attending the Basic Motor Transportation Operator Course, use a 5:1 ratio pulley system to flip a wrecked vehicle at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. Marines attending this course are being trained to be safe and efficient Basic Motor Transportation Operators. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Tyler Pender)


The purpose of Motor Transport Instruction Company is to train entry level Marines in the MOS 3531 or Fleet Marine Force Students in advanced MOS 3536 Wrecker Operators and 3534 Semi-Trailer Refueler Operators. In addition, the operator performs crew/operator PMCS and maintains tools and equipment for all platforms of equipment.

Motor Transportation Instruction Company
1789 Michigan Ave
Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473-8963



Lodging accommodations must be reserved through Defense Travel system (DTS). Barracks are not provided for Marines attending Advance Schools training. DTS must be approved before checking in. 

Ground Transportation: 

Rental Car must be provided by units for Marines attending Advance Schools Training. Transportation to various training areas are not provided by Fort Leonard Wood.


Post Cab Company

COM: (573) 336-0111

Command Duty Officer (CDO)
COM: (573) 337-9628 or (573) 596-0131

S-1 Customer Service
COM: (573) 596-8168

Unit Readiness Coordinator
COM: (573) 596-8165

Sexual Assault Responder Coordinator (SARC):
COM: (573) 596-0186 or (573) 337-9632

Pass/Visitor Request:     
COM: (573) 596-0356/0590

COM: (573) 596-6010 or (573) 337-3542

Licensing Office:
COM: (573) 596-2282

Academics Chief:
MGySgt Haase, Benjamin G.

COM: 573-596-8001


Academics/Operations Office:
COM: (573) 596-5659

VRC Office:
COM: (573) 596-8628

SROC Office:
COM: (573) 596-3534

CO 1stSgt:
COM: (573) 596-2618

CO GySgt:
COM: (573) 596-8636

Site Manager:

GySgt Arteaga, Eduardo


Motor Transport Instruction Company continuously enlists highly qualified Marines who want to excel their career in the Motor Transport community. Instructors have the ability to leave a lasting impression on students that will affect the Fleet Marine Force and Marine Corps Reserve. 


Inbound Instructors:

Contact Academics Sections for further information on opportunities to become an Instructor at Motor Transport Instruction Company.

Instructor Screening Form located under Resources Tab

Marines Interested in Being a MTIC Instructor: 

Please use the data sheet provided below to be screened by MTIC. Once we have reviewed your data sheet we can coordinate with MMEA 353X monitors for appropriate action. In the last page of the attachment are the points of contact for MTIC. Please reach out for any questions.

Instructor Data Sheet: Click Here


COM: 573-596-5659

Marines that have already received orders Please contact the MTIC Sponsorship Coordinator.

Sponsorship Coordinator: SSgt Salinas, Alexis A.

COM: 573-337-9773


VRC Purpose:

The purpose of course is to train qualified Marines MOS 3531 or 3537 to operate MK36 medium and MKR15 heavy tactical wreckers to recover disabled tactical wheeled vehicles in support of combat and garrison operations. In addition, the operator performs crew/operator PMCS and maintains tools and equipment.

About VRC course:

This course provides qualified motor transport operators with the core specialty skills and technical ability to perform the duties of a Motor Transport Vehicle Recovery operator using medium and heavy tactical wreckers under varying garrison/field conditions.

This course imparts technical knowledge and develops the basic functional skills that enable the graduate to function effectively as a basic vehicle recovery operator. Instructions include vehicle recovery, flat tow, lift towing, oxyacetylene cutting, crane operations, basic issue items, operator/crew preventive maintenance checks and services, and emergency procedures on medium and heavy tactical wreckers. The student will become proficient in the T&R tasks required to possess the NMOS and meet the platform licensing requirements for each variant trained at the FLC.

VRC Welcome Aboard Letter: Click Here

VRC Command Screening Checklist: Click Here


1. Primary MOS of 3531 or 3537.

2. Be Private to Staff Sergeant.

3. Possess a valid state driver's license.

4. U.S. government vehicle operators' identification card (OF346).

5. Qualified to operate the MTVR 7 ton, MKR18.

6. Proper medical examination card for Motor Vehicle Operators.

7. Air brake endorsement.

8. Must have completed the Drivers Improvement Program (DIP) or Driver Safety Course (CMC) if under the age of 26.

Class Capacity:

The minimum class capacity is 31. The maximum capacity is 35.

NMOS Received:

3536 (NMOS is a skill designator only)

Special Instructions:

Student attending this course must have a government travel charge card before reporting. Student cannot receive cash advances through the Fort Leonard Wood (FLW) disbursing. Marines must utilize Defense Travel System (DTS) to reserve commercial lodging before reporting. Once the dates are entered into DTS, it will allow you to continue reserve commercial lodging.

 Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) policy dated 1 Mar. 2024 Click Here for JTR.

Click here for DTS Website.

NOTE: Students Attending the VRC course will stay in lodging either on or off post and require full lodging and meal rate. Lodging reservations must be made in DTS for commercial lodging before reporting. Barracks quarters are not available for VRC students. The FLC is not responsible for providing transportation to and from the student billeting to the training area. It is the student's unit requirement to provide their student with the capability to procure transportation to and from the training area.

Reporting Instructions:

Students attending Vehicle Recovery Course (VRC) will report to Company Commander, Motor Transport Instruction Company, Marine Corps Detachment, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, Building 1789 Michigan Ave. During regular working hours, contact numbers are commercial (573) 337-3041, or (573) 596-1561. After regular working hours, contact the VRC Duty Phone (573) 337-3041, or Command Duty Officer (CDO) at commercial (573) 337-9628/(573) 596-0342 and report to building 1772 Michigan Ave.

Reporting to MTIC

SROC Purpose:

The purpose of course is to train qualified Marines MOS 3531 or 3537 to operate MK31 Tractor Trailer and MK970A1 Refueler Trailer. In addition, the student operator performs crew/operator PMCS and maintains tools and equipment for both pieces of equipment.

About SROC course:

This course provides qualified motor transport operators with the core specialty skills and technical ability to perform the duties of a Semi-Trailer Refueler Operator using the Tractor Trailer and Refueler trailer.

This course imparts technical knowledge and develops the basic functional skills that enable the graduate to function effectively as a basic vehicle Semi-Trailer Refueler Operator. Instructions include tractor trailer operations, basic issue items, operator/crew preventive maintenance checks and services, and emergency procedures on medium and heavy tactical wreckers. The student will become proficient in the T&R tasks required to possess the NMOS and meet the platform licensing requirements for each variant trained at the FLC.

SROC Welcome Aboard Letter: Click Here

SROC Command Screening Checklist: Click Here


1. Primary MOS of 3531 or 3537.

2. Be Private to Staff Sergeant.

3. Possess a valid state driver's license.

4. U.S. government vehicle operators' identification card (OF346).

5. Qualified to operate the MTVR 7-Ton, MKR18.

6. Proper medical examination card for Motor Vehicle Operators.

7. Air brake endorsement.

8. Must have completed the Drivers Improvement Program (DIP) or Driver Safety Course (CMC) if under the age of 26.

Class Capacity:

The minimum class capacity is 12. The maximum capacity is 16.

NMOS Received:

3534 (NMOS is a skill designator only)

Special Instructions:

Student attending this course must have a government travel charge card before reporting. Student cannot receive cash advances through the Fort Leonard Wood (FLW) disbursing. Marines must utilize Defense Travel System (DTS) to reserve commercial lodging before reporting. Once the dates are entered into DTS, it will allow you to continue reserve commercial lodging.

 Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) policy dated 1 Mar. 2024 Click Here for JTR.

Click here for DTS Website.

NOTE: Students Attending the SROC course will stay in lodging either on or off post and require full lodging and meal rate. Lodging reservations must be made in DTS for government or commercial lodging before reporting. Barracks quarters are not available for SROC students. The FLC is not responsible for providing transportation to and from the student billeting to the training area. It is the student's unit requirement to provide their student with the capability to procure transportation to and from the training area.

Reporting Instructions:

Students attending Semi-Trailer Refueler Operator (SROC) will report to Company Commander, Motor Transport Instruction Company, Marine Corps Detachment, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, Building 1789 Michigan Ave. During regular working hours, contact numbers are commercial (573) 596-3534 or (573) 337-9612. After regular working hours, contact the Command Duty Officer (CDO) at commercial (573) 337-9628/(573) 596-0342 and report to building 1772 Michigan Ave.


MTIC wants to hear from students and supervisors' post-graduation six months into the fleet to gauge our training to the needs of the Fleet Marine Force for entry level students or Advanced level students for the Fleet Marine Force. Please see the link below and fill out a survey for the respective Platform.


MVOC Student/Supervisor Post Graduate Survey.


VRC Student/Supervisor Post Graduate Survey.


SROC Student/Supervisor Post Graduate Survey.


Each respective platform has both the student survey and supervisor document within the file. Once complete send to the MTIC Academics email below. The form can be filled out electronically by saving to desktop and opening document with Adobe. It can also be printed to be filled out by hand and scanned for return to the email provided below.


Academics COM: (573) 596-5659


MTIC Leadership

Company Commander, Motor Transport Instruction Company

Maj Zachary E. Weidner

Major Weidner was born in Granite City, IL and enlisted in the Marine Corps in June of 2004.  Trained as a machine gunner, he was first assigned to Marine Corps Security Force Company Bangor, WA.  There, he achieved the ranks of private first class, lance corporal, and corporal (meritoriously),...

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Official Photo

Company 1stSgt, Motor Transport Instruction Company

1stSgt Francisco Reyes

First Sergeant Reyes was born in Las Vegas, Nevada. He enlisted in the Marine Corps on 8 August 2004 and attended recruit training aboard Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego. Subsequently, he attended Marine Combat Training (West), and the Motor Vehicle Operators Course aboard Fort Leonard Wood,...

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Official Photo