Inter-service Nonlethal Individual Weapons

Marine Corps Detachment Fort Leonard Wood

Graduates gain a practical understanding of the force continuum, and the ability to apply reasonable force options in situations that do not rise to a deadly force response or when deadly force is not the preferred option. A student who attends the Interservice Nonlethal Individual Weapons Instructor Course (INIWIC) receives training that ranges from rules of engagement and fielded/emerging technologies to effective training methodologies and utilization of service-specific Nonlethal Capability Sets (NLCS). INIWIC provides trained instructors who can assist the commander and service members in understanding the ramifications of unit and individual actions in relation to the tactical situation, and who provide training for situational appropriate force options.


INIWIC provides superior NL weapons training IOT prepare and certify Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and other DoD personnel to serve as trainers and unit advisors with respect to the tactical employment of individual NL weapons.


INIWIC students are taught that the NL mindset is more than batons, rubber bullets, or new technology. It is a profound understanding of the force continuum, and the ability to escalate or deescalate force based off of a perceived threat. It is a tool in the Commander’s toolbox that provides alternative options to the traditional, and sometimes lethal, response. INIWIC provides well-trained leaders that can recognize their environment, understand the ramifications of their actions in relation to the tactical situation, and act accordingly. INIWIC concentrates on equipping the man rather than manning the equipment.  

In 1996, the Secretary of Defense signed Department of Defense Directive (DoDD) 2000.3, which designated the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) as the lead proponent of Nonlethal (NL) development and technology. With this assignment, CMC developed program recommendations for stimulating and coordinating nonlethal weapons requirements. Soon after, the Joint Nonlethal Weapons Directorate (JNLWD) was formed at Quantico, Virginia, under the direction of Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps (Plans, Policies, and Operations. The JNLWD is responsible for concept exploration and program development, while the tactical employment of NL technology was assigned to the Nonlethal Individual Weapons Instructor Course (NIWIC), located at the U.S. Marine Corps Military Police School, Fort McClellan, Alabama on 12 June 1998. NIWIC officially began training NL instructors primarily for United States Marine Corps Operating Forces; however, other services also received NIWIC instruction. Shortly afterward, NIWIC was evaluated by the Inter-service Training Review Organization (INTRO), and was further designated as the only Department of Defense (DoD) organization authorized to conduct NL instructor training. On 1 October 1999, NIWIC relocated to Fort Leonard Wood (FLW), Missouri, as part of the base realignment and closure (BRAC) Congressional program. During January 2000, the ITRO final cost analysis was conducted at FLW, solidifying the fiscal, student throughput, and instructor requirements necessary to start inter-service training. In June 2000, the course was assigned a military article and services list (MASL) number, which makes the course available to those allies who participate in the United States security assistance programs. The Inter-service Nonlethal Individual Weapons Instructor Course (INIWIC) stood up in fiscal year 2001 graduates over 400 students annually from all Services and several allied nations.

Mailing Address

United States Marine Corps Detachment
MP/NBC Instruction Company
ATTN: Inter-service Nonlethal Individual Weapons
Instructors Course (INIWIC)
686 Minnesota Ave., Ft. Leonard Wood, MO 65473

Phone Numbers

Commercial: (573) 596-0131 ext 64356
DSN: 312-581-4356

(573) 596-6010 or (573) 337-3542

Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC)
(573) 596-0186

S-1 (Customer Service)
(573) 596-8168

Command Duty Office
(573) 596-0131 x6-1880 or (573) 337-9628

Detachment Official Twitter


A student who attends the INIWIC can expect to receive training that ranges from communication skills, crowd dynamics, force continuum, and oleoresin capsicum (OC) instructor certification to close ranfe subject control, riot baton techniques and riot control tactics, and NL munitions employment. Additionally, students receive classes on training management, and the items in the Service respective NLCS to include assembly and maintenance procedures.

Course Requirements

Students requesting attendance to INIWIC must be in the pay grade of E5 /USMC E4 or civilian equivalent and be free of any physically limiting profile or condition. Students must possess the ability to absorb, retain, and recall large amounts of technical information and perform under stress; possess the verbal communication skills required to instruct, train and brief to standard; possess a practical and functional understanding of risk management; possess an operational and functional knowledge of M16A2/M4, M203 and Service-issued 12-gauge pump-action shotgun; possess successful experience, commensurate with rank, in conducting individual and collective training to standard; current or anticipated duties and responsibilities include providing NL use of force capabilities, NL weapons, ammunition and associated items/ technology training to individual through company-level; providing the Commander expert technical advice on NL weapons, techniques, tactics and technology. All students attending INIWIC are required to receive a level 1 Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) contamination as part of the graduation requirements and may also be voluntarily exposed to electro-muscular disruption via X26 TASER.


The course is 10 training days long; training is dynamic and covers all aspects of tactical NL employment from the classroom through demonstration and practical application. Service school seat allocations and scheduling information can be obtained by contacting your respective service level training organization (TECOM, TRADOC, CNET, AECT). The course schedule can be viewed in ATTRS. A welcome letter will be sent out to students or unit representatives a week prior to the students attending the course.


Utilities will be worn throughout the duration of the course. The Patrol Cap is the head gear worn during training. Students need to bring their helmet, LBE/LBV, eye protection, soft/patrol cap, wet/cold weather gear. INIWIC has limited quantities of Ballistic helmets and Flak Vests for those personnel that may not have this equipment available at their unit. Students will be assigned some gear, e.g., paintball masks, pouches, and training items. All gear issued will be accounted and signed for. Gear lost or broken will be replaced by the student before graduation on day 10.


All students are required to check in a bldg 470 for availability/non-availability of rooms. Students will also receive information on where to be day 1 of the course. Transportation is not provided by INIWIC. It is approximately a 15-20 minute drive from the front gate of Fort Leonard Wood to Range 17, plan accordingly.




INIWIC student being pepper sprayed.



GySgt Shaeffer teaching INIWIC Students.