ď„…Marine Corps Detachment Fort Leonard Wood

In accordance with Enclosure (4) of MCO 1742.1B (Voting Assistance Program) it is my responsibility to ensure that all eligible absentee voters in this command receive the attached Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) by the 15th of January in each calendar year. The FPCA is a single form which you can use to register to vote and/or to request an absentee ballot for Federal Elections. It is recommended that the FPCA be completed annually by all eligible absentee voters (which is why you are receiving this email). It is also important to complete this form after a PCS or any change of address.

If you are not sure if you have completed this form or not, it doesn't hurt to resubmit it. For instructions on completing or mailing this form please contact the Voting Assistance Officer for your Company or check out www.FVAP.gov and see if you can electronically submit the form which is much easier.

The key to registering to vote is the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) which can be found at www.fvap.gov.  The FPCA is used to register to vote and also to request absentee ballots.  The Federal Voting Assistance Program recommends that an FPCA be filled out annually and whenever there is a change of address. There are several voting assistance officers within the Detachment so if you have questions or concerns about registering or utilizing FVAP.gov, then feel free to contact me.

If you have not already filled out a Federal Post Card Application or On-line application at FVAP.gov you may miss our on your opportunity to cast an absentee ballot.
If you or your family members desire to exercise their RIGHT to vote through the absentee voting process, please read the below information.
There are (3) requirements you must do in order to cast your vote.
    1. Register to Vote
    2. Request your Absentee Ballot
    3. Submit your Absentee Ballot 

Voter Registration and Absentee Ballot Request can both be accomplished through the completion of the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA).  Check out the voters assistance tools at www.FVAP.gov where you can digitally fill out your FPCA.  Some states even allow online submission of FPCA.

Absentee Ballots will be mailed to the address you provide on the FPCA with instructions for proper submission.

Deadlines for Registration, Ballot Request, and Ballot Submission are listed on www.FVAP.gov when you click on your home of record state.

If you do not receive your ballot in time you can submit a Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot.  Information on the FWAB is found here.
The online tools and the links on this page are great, but you may still have questions or concerns. 

This Frequently Asked Questions link may be helpful.

You will also find blank copies of the FPCA and the FWAB under “Documents” on the right side of your screen. If you have any questions or concerns not addressed above, then feel free to contact the Detachment’s Voting Assistance Officer. 

Voting Assistance Officer:

Phone: (573) 596-0131 x. 6-7359