The TRNG CMD G-6 serves as the primary advisor and coordinator for all Information Technology (IT) and Cyber Security in support of training and education in the Marine Corps. The G-6 oversees resourcing and operations of the TRNG CMD Command and Control communication systems, to include servers, desktop and laptop computers, video teleconferencing (VTC) and other general support video and data IT, in accordance with Tables of Organization and Equipment (TO/TE) for TRNG CMD Headquarters, MSCs, and staff elements. The G-6 disseminates and enforces IT directives and policies from Headquarters Marine Corps C4, DoN, and DoD.
Assistant Chief of Staff G-6 COM: 703-784-5797
Communications Chief COM: 703-784-5794
TECOM Cyber Security Branch Head COM: 703-784-5700
Enterprise Service Desk (ESD) COM: 855-373-8762
Training Command Webmaster Email:
COM: 703-784-5778