
Staff Sections
Marine Corps Engineer School
Train, Develop and Support
S-1 Mission

The Director of Administration (DA) is the principal staff officer responsible for Administrative areas: Correspondence, Awards, Fitness Reports, Legal, Marine Online (MOL), Contractor Verification System (CVS), Automated Message Handling System (AMHS), Privacy Act, and Voting of Marine Corps Engineer School (MCES) and the Courthouse Bay Area. The DA handles all administrative support needed to execute daily mission tasked to the Marines of MCES.

Contact Information

DA: (910) 440-7222
Adjutant Chief: (910) 440-7468
Adjutant Clerk: (910) 440-7352
Legal Chief: (910) 440-7355

Online Resources
Security Manager Mission Statement

The Security Manager is the principal staff officer responsible for all matters pertaining to the security of classified information held at Marine Corps Engineer School.  The Security Manager is the Commanding Officer’s representative in matters regarding the eligibility of personnel to access classified information and to be assigned to sensitive duties.

The Assistant Security Manager is located at building BB-12, room 116. All permanent personnel are required to check-in and check-out with the Assistant Security Manager.

Contact Information

Security Manager: (910) 440-7329
Assistant Security Manager: (910) 440-7153

Online Resources

DoD Annual Security Awareness Refresher
Derivative Classification Training
Marking Classified Information
DoN Personnel Security Program
DoN Information Security Program
NCIS Counter-Intel Training

S-3 Mission Statement

The Marine Corps Engineer School S-3 coordinates, deconflicts, manages and tracks operations and training requirements in order to meet command priorities and mission requirements.  This includes internal military and civilian training requirements, information requests, resource allocation, support requirements, and command support to external agencies on matters concerning engineer training.

Contact Information

Operations Officer: (910) 440-7144
Deputy Operations Officer: (910) 440-7166
Operations Chief: (910) 440-7346
Training Chief: (910) 440-7520

Academics Mission Statement

The Academics Branch is responsible for administrative oversight of all TECOM approved programs of instruction at MCES in order to ensure training is current, relevant, focused and properly supported. 

Contact Information

Director of Instruction: (910) 440-7343
Academics Officer: (910) 440-7958
Instructional Systems Specialist: (910) 440-7360
Academic Programmer: (910) 440-7340
International Military Student Officer: (910) 440-7350

Course Dates

Course dates can change; please confirm dates in MCTIMS.


MCTIMS FIRST TIME USERS - Once you have signed the user agreement and are on the screen requesting access, you have read only permissions for the T&R, Student Registrar, and Training Resource Modules.  You can close out of the screen and log back into the MCTIMS Homeport if you only require read only access.

Looking to access courseware from Marine Corps Engineer School?  Use the Training Resource Module in MCTIMS.

The MCTIMS Training Resource Module (TRM) is the repository for United States Marine Corps (USMC) training curricula and all associated documents. It is accessible from anywhere at any time, allowing schoolhouses to share resources and reducing needless duplication of curricula and training materials. TRM imports curricula developed and approved in the MCTIMS Curriculum Management Module (CMD) so that course administrators can upload materials and publish the courses in TRM. Unit Training personnel and Individual Marines can then search TRM to view published courses and download materials as needed.

MCTIMS Homeport

Instructions for MCTIMS Access

Online Resources

MCO 1553.2C

NAVMC 1553.2

Engineer and Utilities: T and R Manual

SAT User's Guide

MCES Prerequisite Waiver Request Form




To support the Operating Force in identifying existing capability gaps and facilitating timely and coordinated DOTMLPF-P solutions to eliminate those gaps.


DSN (758)

Branch Head: (910) 440-7980
Deputy Branch Head: (910) 440-7594
Combat Engineer SME: (910) 440-6014
Engineer Equipment SME: (910) 440-7270
Engineer Equipment SME: (910) 440-7594
Engineer Equipment SME: (910) 440-7590


 Develop new and maintain existing pubs to prepare engineer units and personnel in the Fleet Marine Forces for multi-Service, joint, allied, and multinational operations.

  • Designated USMC author for 33 pubs.

  • Support development and maintenance of USMC, multi-Service, and joint pubs

  • Support development and maintenance of Allied/multinational interoperability standards and doctrinal publications 

  • Direct support to HQMC, engineer units in the FMF, Formal Schools, other Services, and Allied/multinational partners

  • Reach back for technical support, research, analysis and functional collaboration

  • Support other missions as requested or required


DSN: (758)
Doctrine Branch Head/Analyst: (910) 440-6010 

Doctrine Writer:  (910) 440-7413  
Doctrine Writer:  (910) 440-7016 
Doctrine Writer:  (910) 440-7000 
Doctrine Writer:  (910) 440-7271 

Announcements (15 APR 2024)

Doctrine Branch Update Table - lists the publications that are being worked on by the MCES doctrine team, along with a brief description of the current status.  

Engineer Doctrine Placemat - contains a wiring diagram depicting engineer pubs with current actions.

Engineer MCTCs - Formally MCRPs, the MCTCs are available at this TECOM website.

Link to: Army Publication for M18A1 Claymore Munition

Pub errors - If you find an error in an engineer pub, download the form using the hyperlink below, fill out pertinent info and email to

Link to MCES Pub Change Form


 If you have any questions or comments, please email the Doctrine Content Manager or  call (910) 440-6010

T&E Mission Statement

Serve as the Marine Corps Total Force focal point for engineer training requirements.

  • Support Training and Readiness (T&R) Manual development and maintenance (includes MCTL/METL support).

  • Support Marine Corps Systems Command Manpower Training Analysis processes (MPTP, Fielding, NET, etc.).

  • Develop, maintain, and execute Route Clearance Equipment Operator Mobile Training Team (RCEO MTT) POIs.

  • Provide curriculum development assistance to Training Command FLCs.

  • Identify existing training gaps for vetting and formal presentation to Headquarters Marine Corps Advocates, Training Command and TECOM.

Contact Information

Branch Head: (910) 440-7293

Training Analyst: (910) 440-6019

Training Specialist: (910) 440-7341

MTT: (910) 440-6008

S-4 Mission Statement

The S-4 Officer is the principal staff officer responsible for the maintenance, upkeep, and logistical support of Marine Corps Engineer School (MCES) and the Courthouse Bay Area.  The S-4 coordinates all logistical support needed to execute any ceremony, training evolution, or daily mission tasked to the Marines of MCES. This includes but is not limited to providing motor transportation, corpsmen, chow, and Marines to accomplish any mission. The S-4 shop also reserves such facilities as Ellis Field and the Obstacle Course.

All maintenance requests are submitted to Base Maintenance via the S-4 shop, where the status of such requests are checked on a weekly basis.

Contact Information

S-4 Officer: (910) 440-7890
S-4 Chief: (910) 440-6585
Logistics NCO: (910) 440-7570

BOQ Lodging Information

Currently Courthouse Bay does not have a BOQ, however billeting is available at Courthouse Bay for SNCO and officer students attending training at MCES.  Additional billeting options can be made through the All Points Inn at (910) 450-5854 (DSN 750-5854).

S-6 Mission Statement

The S-6 is responsible for providing the highest quality of technology-based services, in the most cost-effective manner, to facilitate the mission of the Marine Corps and the Marine Corps Engineer School (MCES), Courthouse Bay, Camp Lejeune, NC.

To meet these requirements, we will:
• Provide effective technology support for audio/visual, computer, multimedia, voice, video, and web based applications and services
• Promote and facilitate the effective integration of technology into the mission of MCES through proactive planning, training, consulting, and other support activities
• Develop, enhance, and manage the available MCES network to provide high speed, transparent, and highly functional connectivity among all information resources
• Develop and maintain highly effective, reliable, secure, and innovative information systems to support instructional and administrative functions
• Facilitate the collection, storage, security and integrity of electronic data while ensuring appropriate access
• Provide capabilities to develop and manage the distribution and marketing of MCES through the use of broadcast, broadband, the Web and other telecommunications technologies
• Promote new uses of information technology within the MCES through the support for exploratory and innovative applications
• Provide leadership for effective strategic and tactical planning in the use of technology
• Provide fast & reliable customer service ensuring reliable access to all required information systems

Contact Information

Enterprise Service Desk: (855) 373-8762 (DSN 322-915-3333)
S-6 Officer: (910) 440-7019 (DSN Prefix 750)
S-6 Chief: (910) 440-6613

IT Online Resources:
SAAR Sep 2017v1USMC CYBER AWARENESS TRAINING  | Outlook Web Access | Office 365 OWA

Career Planner Mission Statement

The primary mission of the Career Planner is to reenlist qualified first-term Marines and qualified career Marines to meet career force MOS requirements and sustain appropriate career force experience levels.

The Career Planner also assists in disseminating information and procedures for officer and special duty selection boards.

Contact Information

For information on officer selection programs for highly qualified Marines, or information on reenlistment bonuses, call the Career Planner
(910) 440-7588.

Chaplain Mission Statement

Our mission is to develop personnel and families of Operating Forces and the Camp Lejeune community for spiritual and personal readiness, through ministries or pastoral care and the provision and facilitation for the free exercise of religion. 

The Chapel is located in BB-16, between the Fitness Center and Camp Sweat.

Service Times

Sunday Service:  1000
Wednesday Bible Class:  1900

Contact Information

Phone number: (910) 440-7543
Mobile number: (910) 545-2394

The Chaplain Corps
  • PROVIDE professional religious ministry through worship services, religious education, weddings, funerals, and other religious rituals and rites.

  • FACILITATE for the religious needs of our people from other religious traditions by identifying their religious needs and coordinating support from other chaplains, civilian clergy, and lay leaders.

  • CARE for all service members and families with complete confidentiality, dignity, respect, and compassion regardless of an individual's beliefs.  This includes making informed and professional referrals to help our people develop the spiritual resilience to cope with the inevitable hardships of military life.  All care is completely confidential.

  • ADVISE commanding officers on the accommodation of religious needs; on the spiritual, moral, ethical well-being of our people; and on religious matters that affect the commands mission.


Camp Lejeune Chaplain Corps

Base Chapel Schedule



Unit Readiness Coordinator Mission Statement

The Unit Readiness Coordinator (URC) is responsible for administering the Commanding Officer's Unit, Personal, and Family Readiness Program (UPFRP). The program shall provide support through proactive outreach and intervention in the form of the following functions: Official Communication and Information and Referral.

These programs are defined below:

Official Communication – Facilitating communications between the command, Marines, and families regarding unit, personal and family readiness information and requirements.

Information and Referral – Providing Marines and their families with information regarding the many services and resources available to support unit, personal and family readiness.

Information and training support are classified in three areas: 
1. Skills development 
2. Prevention and intervention 
3. Self-help education

Contact Information

Unit Readiness Coordinator: (910) 440-7520  
The Unit Readiness Coordinator is located in Building BB-28.