
Commanding Officer
Lieutenant Colonel Donald E. Pilcher
Naval School Explosive Ordnance Disposal

Lieutenant Colonel Pilcher, resident of Denver, Colorado, enlisted in the Marine Corps and attended boot camp at MCRD San Diego in November 1995.  He attended MOS school at Camp Johnson, NC becoming a Basic Enlisted Supply Marine 3043.  Upon graduation PFC Pilcher was attached to 1st Force Service Support Group (FSSG) Camp Pendleton, CA.  LCpl Pilcher was soon offered the opportunity to deploy with the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) as a Streamlined Automate Supply System (SASSY) data clerk within the Marine Service Support Group (MSSG).  Upon completion of his second deployment with the 11th MEU Cpl Pilcher was sent to 7th Engineer Support Battalion (ESB) while he awaited a school seat to conduct a lateral MOS move into Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD).

Sgt Pilcher attended Naval School Explosive Ordnance Disposal (NAVSCOLEOD) at Eglin Air Force Base, FL graduating in 2000 as a Basic Explosive Ordnance Disposal technician 2336.  He was transferred to 7th ESB and a year later assigned to the 15th MEU’s Maritime Special Purpose Force (MSPF).  The events of 9/11 ensued during the MEU’s deployment and the MEU’s forces were employed in Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF I).  Following this deployment Sgt Pilcher returned to 7th ESB where in 2003 he deployed to Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF I) and attached to both 5th Bn 11th Marines during “the push north” and 3d Bn 5th Marines in Ad Diwaniyah.  At the deployment’s end he returned to 7th ESB and in 2004 SSgt Pilcher was deployed again in support of OIF II in the vicinity of Fallujah and Habaniyah, Iraq.  At the conclusion of this deployment SSgt Pilcher returned to Camp Pendleton where he received orders to Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Yuma, AZ in 2005.

While at MCAS Yuma SSgt Pilcher was attached to HQHQ SQDRN and worked within the range management division.  SSgt Pilcher applied and was accepted for the Marine Corps’ enlisted to warrant officer program becoming an EOD Officer 2305.  In early 2006 Warrant Officer Pilcher attended Warrant Officer Basic Course (WOBC) at The Basic School (TBS).  Following graduation he was assigned to Marine Wing Support Squadron (MWSS) 271 Cherry Point, NC as the EOD section Officer in Charge (OIC).  In 2008 he was again deployed to OIF where the MWSS was assigned to Al Asad and Al Qaim airbases.  Upon completion of this deployment CWO2 Pilcher received orders to HQHQ SQDRN Cherry Point where he was assigned as the installation’s EOD detachment OIC.

In July 2010 CWO2 Pilcher received orders to 9th ESB, 3d Marine Logistics Group (MLG) on Okinawa, Japan.  CWO2 Pilcher was assigned as the EOD Company Commander. During this assignment CWO3 Pilcher applied and was accepted for the Marine Corps’ Limited Duty Officer (LDO) program.  Capt Pilcher completed his time as Company Commander of 3D EOD Company and in 2013 was assigned to Marine Detachment (MARDET) NAVSCOLEOD.

While assigned to MARDET NAVSCOLEOD, Marine Aviation Training Support Group (MATSG) 21 Capt Pilcher performed as acting battalion commander for his first year and then as executive officer the following year.  In 2015 Maj Pilcher assumed command of the MARDET and was assigned as the Marine Corps’ representative for the joint EOD Technical Training Acceptance Board (TTAB) for the remainder of his tour.

In 2017 Maj Pilcher received orders to 8th ESB, 2d MLG.  Maj Pilcher assumed command of the EOD Company until 2018 when he received orders to II Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) command element and was assigned to the future operations section.  During his time within the MEF, LtCol Pilcher was assigned as Liaison Officer (LNO) to Commander 6th Fleet to mature Naval Integration within the European theater.  Upon completion of this deployment LtCol Pilcher returned to II MEF G-35 until he executed orders to MARDET Eglin, NAVSCOLEOD, MATSG-21 in June 2021.

LtCol Pilcher is a graduate of Close Quarters Battle (CQB), Method of Entry (Breechers), Advanced Counter IED Defeat, Anti-terrorism Evasive Driving, Network Engagement T3, the Marine Corps Basic School, Expeditionary Warfare School (non-res) and Marine Corps Command and Staff College (non-res).

LtCol Pilcher’s personal awards and decorations include the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Navy Commendation Medal (w/V and 4th award), Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (4th award), Combat Action Ribbon, and Explosive Ordnance Disposal Master Badge.