

Course includes training necessary to function in the Operating Force and Supporting Establishment during peacetime and time of conflict. Students receive instruction and practical application in the following areas related to Military Police Operations: Police Communications, Policing, Supporting Establishment Law Enforcement, Police Advising and Training, and Law Enforcement Training. This course focuses and stresses technical and tactical Law Enforcement skills. Graduates are proficient with the four core capabilities of the MCPF and are trained on the most critical tasks required of a platoon commander. Students will be able to immediately assume a supervisory role for Marines and Marine Corps Civilian Law Enforcement personnel in an LE Bn or PMO. 


Class:                               Report Date:                Convene Date:                Graduation Date:

01-17                               11/2/2016                     11/7/2016                        3/10/2017

02-17                                4/5/2017                      4/10/2017                        7/20/2017

03-17                                8/9/2017                      8/14/2017                        11/29/2017