Inspector General

Training Command Official Logo
Training Command
Training Marines, Developing Leaders

The Training Command Inspector General represents the Commanding General through the execution of a Commanding General Inspection Program (CGIP), conduct Hotline Investigations of non-criminal complaints (ethics, fraud, waste and abuse, whistle blower) and review/ coordinate Request Mast addressed to the Commanding General. 

CGIP promotes the efficiency, economy, mission performance, and provide subordinate commanders a positive and constructive assessment tool in which to assess their compliance with appropriate standards and policies and act as advocates for training support requirements needed to accomplish their primary mission – “to produce basic MOS-qualified Marines for service in the Operating Forces and Supporting Establishments.

Individuals may Submit a Complaint report per MCO 5370.8A, to the Command Inspector's "Hotline" Program.

Command Inspector General 
COM: 703-784-3073
DSN: 278-3073

Deputy Inspector General
COM: 703-432-1628
DSN: 378-1628 

Assistant Inspector General
COM: 703-432-1627
DSN: 378-1627
COM: 703-432-2667
DSN: 378-1627

Admin Chief/Inspector
COM: 703-432-2668
DSN: 378-2668
COM: 703-432-2092
DSN: 378-2092 

Training Command Inspector General Hotline 
COM: 703-432-1650
DSN: 378-1650


Commanding General
Attn: Command Inspector
1019 Elliot Road, Butler Hall
Quantico, VA 22134-5050

Enlisted Points of Contact

First Sergeant TECO
COM: 703-784-6057
Building 2006

Sergeant Major HQSVCBN
COM: 703-784-2263
Building 2006

Sergeant Major Training Command
COM: 703-784-0016
Building 2300


Executive Officer TECO
COM: 703-784-2901
Building 2006

Executive Officer HQSVCBN
COM: 703-784-2264
Building 2006

Chief of Staff Training Command
COM: 703-784-0010
Building 2300

Staff Secretary Training Command
COM: 703-784-0028
Building 2300


Immediate Commanding Officer, CO TECO
COM: 703-784-6008
Building 2006

Commanding Officer, CO, HQSVCBN
COM: 703-784-2264
Building 2006

Immediate Commanding General, CG, Training Command
COM: 703-784-0019
Building 2300

Command Inspector General, TECO
COM: 703-784-3073
Building 1019

This list will be updated each time any of the above information changes.  The office of the Command Inspector General (CIT), training Command and Training and Education Command is responsible for updating the list.  Anyone with information on the accuracy of the list can contact the CIG Office at 703-784-1628/1627 or email at

Before you begin to file your complaint with the Command Inspector General, there are a few things for you to consider.  This office is established to assist you with your complaint if possible.  However, if you fall into one of the categories below then this may not be the most direct way to resolve your issue.  Please read carefully to determine if you can save yourself some time by making the correct choice.
1.  If you have contacted a member of Congress prior to filing this complaint then please continue to pursue that avenue of redress.  The Inspector General’s office can not duplicate the process that has already been initiated by a member of Congress.  Please continue to lodge your complaint with your point of contact within the appropriate congressional office.
2.  If you are no longer on active duty, then the Inspector General is not able to assist you in correcting your records. The appropriate agency that has been established to facilitate your request is the Board for Correction of Naval Records.  They are the only office that has the authority to impact any change to your Official Military Personnel File.
3.  If you are requesting assistance with dependent/former dependent financial support then please follow this link to contact the DEERS/Dependency Section of Manpower (MRP-1).  That office is specifically designed to aid people seeking redress from nonsupport of a Marine.  If you have a court order for financial support then you will be required to provide that and other documentation as necessary in order to qualify for assistance.  Otherwise, the DEERS/Dependency Section will ensure that the military member is compliant with Marine Corps Order P5800.16A


What have you done to resolve the issue before contacting us? 
The Hotline Complaint Program should be considered as a last resort after exhausting all other possible options.


Review the Frequently Asked Questions.
1.  Who may use the Hotline? Anyone can file a hotline complaint
2.  Is there a time limit to file a complaint?
Complaints should be filed within 90 days of the alleged wrongdoing.  However, we will consider complaints over 90 days old if extraordinary circumstances are proven. 
3.  What issues should you report to the Hotline?
You should report any issue as described in the MCO 5370.8
4.  Can I remain anonymous or request confidentiality? 
You may remain anonymous, but we will not be able to contact you for more information.
You may request confidentiality, and the Command Inspector will make every effort to prevent disclosure of your identity, but we cannot guarantee confidentiality.
5.  How do you submit a hotline complaint? 

The Command Inspector General encourages you to submit the allegation(s) utilizing the following website: